Less than a week af­ter throw­ing a per­son­al best at the Cay­man Is­lands Carif­ta Games 2019 of 71.45m, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Mis­sis­sip­pi fresh­man Tyriq Hors­ford in­creased that mark to 72.31m at the Na­tion­al Re­lays in Arkansas, USA con­sid­ered a warm-up meet to the NCAA Cham­pi­onships which takes place from June 5-8.

Men in TT are at risk of having prostate cancer and lung cancer. The Ministry of Health has taken on the issue of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and yesterday marked a revolution of how TT’s health sector treated with NCDs (diseases that are not easily transmitted from one person to another) especially prostate cancer in men.