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CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank recently presented a cheque to the T&T Carifta team heading to the 42nd annual Carifta Games Track and Field Championships which comes off in Nassau, Bahamas on Easter weekend March 29 - April 1 under the theme “A Celebration of Caribbean Unity.”


The presentation took place at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo where representatives from the National Association of Athletics Administration (NAAA) were on hand to receive the contribution from the Bank while members of the team witnessed the presentation and applauded CIBC FirstCaribbean’s gesture.


CIBC FirstCaribbean T&T was glad to be part of a larger initiative by the parent bank who is a sponsor of the event. The donation will go towards ensuring that T&T’s young athletes will be able to put their best feet forward when they hit the track to compete against their Caribbean peers.


CIBC FirstCaribbean T&T’s managing director Duane Hinkson presented the cheque on behalf of the bank. He reiterated CIBC FirstCaribbean’s ongoing commitment to youth development in T&T saying: “It is no coincidence that a great deal of our charitable projects are youth-focused. We realise that supporting our young people is critical to overall development whether in sport or in other areas in which we want them to excel and lead by example.”


In accepting the donation, Ephraim Serrette, president of the NAAA, remarked that the NAAA welcomed contributions from corporate citizens. “We are very grateful to CIBC FirstCaribbean for their support for our 2013 Carifta Games team.


Donations such as these are especially important at the junior level because this is where we are developing our future Olympians and professional athletes,” said Serrette. “These funds will certainly assist our team as we shoot for gold in Bahamas.”


On the regional level, CIBC FirstCaribbean, has announced its involvement as a sponsor of the event. Managing Director for Customer Relationship Management and Strategy, Trevor Torzsas, noted that the event was tailor-made for CIBC FirstCaribbean’s involvement as its footprint extends across seventeen countries in the region.


Torzsas noted that the sponsorship was in keeping with the bank’s involvement in projects that promote the development of the region’s young people, through its charitable Community Trust Foundation, of which he is a trustee.


He added: “CIBC FirstCaribbean has recognised that an investment in our region’s young people is an investment in our future development, so we have concentrated much of our resources on projects that have a direct benefit for young people—in the areas of education, entrepreneurship and sport.”


CIBC FirstCaribbean’s contribution to the Carifta Games is through its community involvement programme, and Torzsas said that the bank also donates to several sporting activities, especially in support of the youth of the regions.


He said: “CIBC FirstCaribbean’s message speaks to support for the overall development of our youth and encouragement of young people in positive activities, including sports.”


He added: “We look forward to the high level of sportsmanship this event has become known for. Our sponsorship of the 42nd Carifta Games signals our encouragement for friendly competition and support for activities that foster Caribbean unity.”

Source: www.guardian.co.tt